Tuesday, January 8, 2013

China - Day 2

Teresa doesn't currently have access to Blogger or Facebook, but she was able to send me some photos, which I will post below. They arrived in Beijing about an hour behind schedule on Monday, made it to their hotel and managed to get some sleep. They were up early on Tuesday and ready to go to the Beijing Zoo, the Beijing Aquarium, and to see an acrobatic show. There were no photos allowed at the acrobatic show, but there are some great ones from the Zoo and the Aquarium.

First: pandas!

 And here's one of Mia with a panda playing in the backgound:

 And here's one of the whole family outside the panda compound:

There are also tigers at the zoo. There's no zoom on this photo! Teresa is actually taking this picture just feet away from this tiger:

Here's a close-up from the aquarium. Mia liked the aquarium as much as the zoo!

And here's a few of Mia to end: one of her hanging out  at the Zoo and couple of her with the other big girls who are part of the group. They are already great friends!

There's a twelve hour time difference between Nova Scotia and Beijing, so if it's morning where you are, it's evening there. That means that Peter, Teresa, and Mia are wrapping up day two right now and getting ready to depart for Nanchang tomorrow (which is later today for us).


  1. Hello from Canada from the MR class. The class was very excited to see the photos of Nina and the adventures of the family. They loved the pandas and the zoo. They did have a few questions about China and will be preparing others. Here are a few: What is the food like? What is the temperature? What sports (games) do they play? I told them about the time differences and showed them the globe and the distances. We will probably check the blog once a week or so and make comments. Safe travels! JM

  2. So glad you guys arrived safe and sound, and I've been thinking about you lots! Glad that you and Mia got to see the show in TO! Safe travels, and of course, am so excited for you to meet Nina. :)
