Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nina at Home

Nina at home

We have been home for a few weeks...the jet lag is over and Nina is settling in nicely. 


Mia went back to school on the Friday after we were home.  She was very excited to go and see her friends again.  Mia so wanted to introduce Nina to her friends and so we went in for "show and tell" and Mia did a presentation with a few items from our trip. Of course, Mia chose this oufit for Nina to wear to meet her friends.

Tony made friends with Nina right away.  We call him "Funny Tony" because everytime he walks by Nina laughs at him.  Sweetpea is just now deciding to enter the same room that we are in.  She spent much of the last 2 weeks in Mia's room.  I have caught Sweetpea sitting in Nina's room looking at the crib (no worries she can't get in it although she has taken to hiding under it).

Nina is now sitting up by herself and she can now sit from laying down.  She holds herself up on her belly on straight arms and can pivot around. She will put weight on her legs and will enjoy her Jolly Jumper when it arrives.  Nina started to eat solids the weekend we arrived back.  A little fruit mixed in with the cereal did the trick.  She will also hold a Mum Mum cookie and eat it.  Nina says mama, dada, nanan, nina, ia (for Mia) and cat.  She is working on 2 top teeth coming through (hopefully in the next week).  Nina weighed 8.4 kg and measured 72 cm long at her doctor visit.  A few of our favorite pics from the last few weeks...